What are Accommodations?

One of the primary functions of SAS is engaging students in the interactive accommodation process. Nondiscrimination statutes require universities to provide reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are personalized supports that remove specific barriers with the goal of ensuring an individual can meet essential requirements or perform their job duties. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis through an interactive process. The purpose of accommodations is not to change the standards or alter requirements, but instead provide different means of access to the individual. 

Importantly, accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis and are the result of an individualized assessment. Most commonly, the result of this interactive process is student accommodations. Most commonly classroom accommodations include:

  • Notetaking accommodations (technology assisted notetaking, audio recording, etc.)
  • Classroom accommodations (advanced access to materials, access to food and drink, preferential seating, etc.)
  • Exam accommodations (extra time on exams, distraction reduced environment, exam technology use, etc.) 
  • Accessibility accommodations (accessible materials, captions, use of an FM system, etc.)
  • Flexibility accommodations (limited extensions, attendance flexibility, etc.) 

More information about the types of accommodations at UNH and how these are implemented can be found in our SAS Accommodations Guide. 

SAS Accommodations Guide: Procedures and Practices

How Are Accommodations Approved?

All accommodations are approved through an interactive process between the student and SAS. The accommodation process is used to determine what accommodations are reasonable for an individual student. While approved accommodations will necessarily vary, all students go through the interactive process. To be approved for accommodations all students must: 

  1. Register with SAS
  2. Submit documentation 
  3. Meet with SAS 

These steps are flexible, but all of the steps are done when determining a student’s accommodations. This process allows SAS to explore the nature of the disability, the functional limitations, and the requested accommodations with the student directly.

Learn More about the Student Process for Requesting Accommodations

How Are Accommodations Shared with Instructors? 

Once students are approved for accommodations, students still need to activate their accommodation letters. Accommodation letters are how instructors are officially notified of the student's approved accommodations. Once the student completes their "semester request", SAS sends the students accommodation letter out to instructors. Instructors can access the accommodation letter in our system, Accommodate

Learn More about Implementing Accommodations